
Auto Services

In addition to locksmith services, we offer comprehensive auto services such as key duplication and replacement, remote transponder programming, and ignition repair for car owners.
  • Auto Services for All Lock N Key Locksmith in Killeen,  TX
  • Auto Services for All Lock N Key Locksmith in Killeen,  TX

Auto maintenance and repairs are essential for the longevity and safety of your vehicle. Whether you need a routine oil change, brake service, or more significant repairs, booking an auto services appointment is crucial.

Working with professional mechanics ensures that your vehicle receives proper care and attention to detail. We have the tools, equipment, and knowledge needed to diagnose and fix any issue efficiently.

Regular auto service appointments also help prevent future breakdowns that could leave you stranded on the side of the road. It can identify potential problems before we become major issues, prolonging your car's lifespan.

Moreover, professional auto services providers use quality parts that are specific to your make and model. Using genuine manufacturer parts ensures that your car runs smoothly and safely on the road.

Booking regular maintenance appointments is crucial in ensuring optimal performance from your vehicle while also safeguarding yourself against costly future repairs. So don't wait – schedule an appointment with an experienced auto service provider today!


Take a look for yourself on what your neighbors are saying about us.

  • out of 5 stars

    excellent and friendly service.

    Daniel O'Reilly Killeen, TX
  • out of 5 stars

    When I tell you me and my crew are absolutely 100% satisfied with Mintz Cleaning Services LLC. They came in our house and took time cleaning it. They didn’t rush, they didn’t miss one spot, and they were 100% professional the entire time. Thank y’all so much for cleaning our house, we appreciate y’all so much. We’ll definitely be using your services again.

    Home Owner
  • out of 5 stars

    Very good service, fast, and professional

    John Gaither Home Owner

Service Areas

Proudly Serving Killeen, Copperas Cove, Fort Hood, Harker Heights, Belton & Surrounding Areas

Ready to get started? Book an appointment today.